AI Platform

    Digital Mailroom Automation

    For all sources and formats:
    Use the AI Platform to automate your incoming mail.

    now also available as a cloud service
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    Capture your digital mailroom with AI

    Our AI goes beyond OCR and RPA with regard to incoming mail:
    The AI Platform is the future-proof basis for automating corporate digital mailrooms. It identifies case contents and transmits them as processable information to your company processes. Mail, fax, email, mobile or digital - regardless of source and the structure of the content.

    Digital incoming mail with AI

    It all begins with your business process: The AI Platform offers a whole range of partially pre-configured formats and workflows for automating incoming mail:


    Classification of case types

    Correspondence, emails, submitted documents, and attachments: opening up the content of the case and the available context information is decisive for automating incoming mail. The AI Platform uses a combination of 10 partially protected machine learning methods to determine the document type, language, and priority. Around 95% of incoming mail can thus be accurately assigned to a case type and a customer based on the captured context.

    Extraction of relevant data

    Each case type requires extraction of specific information. The AI Platform is also able to identify thematic data from unstructured sources (body text) - with excellent precision - from emails and documents, tables, and barcodes.

    We exceed by far the efficiency of OCR and RPA. Our customers want to automate incoming mail processing.

    Enriching with existing information

    Enriching with existing information

    The content of each process must primarily be checked manually. To do so, employees research in existing systems and collate relevant information. The AI Platform does this automatically: Is all case data available or will the data be (automatically) requested? Has an application been signed and are there any other customer orders? Do individual service level agreements and other agreements apply?

    Validation and training

    AI is rarely 100% reliable. It is therefore decisive that the AI Platform have a modern, easy-to-use post-processing interface so that extracted fields can be checked and corrected on a case-by-case basis. These corrections are used for training future processing.

    Validation and training

    You have complete control

    Whether in classic digital incoming mail, in customer service, or via a customer portal and self service, based on numerous sector-related benchmarks, the AI Platform has proven that it achieves the highest automation rates with virtually no mistakes. Because you yourself decide whether you need to consult an employee for quality assurance purposes if certain confidence limits are reached. We offer our customers a simple, user-friendly validation front-end to manually check thematic data within just a few seconds.

    Digital Mailroom Automation

    Intelligent data capture on all input channels

    Learn how this telecommunications company …

    … has achieved around 90% correct topic assignment and customer recognition with the AI Platform

    … almost 80% of the relevant case data is automatically retrieved and distributed with RPA to existing systems

    … the complexity is reduced and simple processing is made possible for 700 processes

    … while even integrating smartphone options and customer voice calls.


    Success Story HR


    Gain access to the content of documents and emails.

    Now also available as a service from a certified German cloud operation.

    AI to automate text-based processes.

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