The consumer gapes, the professional marvels: A few weeks ago Google tub-thumped that Gmail now will answer emails by itself By using self-learning algorithms the leading search engine is going to make answering emails much easier than ever before. As many as 20,000 possible answers are available. The company is focusing on tablet and smartphone users assisting them with daily correspondence.
Using self-learning software for everyday activities sounds exciting.
And it will clear up many of the existing misconceptions (if justified or not) artificial intelligence is facing in the public. As revolutionary as it sounds artificial intelligence has been around for a long time. For years we have been successfully developing and implementing AI based solutions to automate workflows and communication processes.
For example at HUK Coburg, AI-based technologies play a significant role in customer service email management. More than half of all incoming messages are answered automatically and without a specialist involved – thanks to our self-learning algorithms.
Our success proves us right! HUK Coburg is ranked in the top five of the best insurance companies for customer service quality in its main market. The average response time for emails processed this way is much shorter than the previous average. Today, 12 hours after sending an inquiry, the customer receives a qualified answer - all because of the reliable analysis of messages by the AI.
We recently started making artificial intelligence accessible for the consumer as well.For example, with “Smart Energy” and “Smart Home” we offer solutions that increase the connection between consumers and utility or insurance companies. By leveraging smart applications, utility companies are able to automate various customer service processes across all channels- mail, fax, email, chat or mobile. By intelligently connecting smart devices, the process and the best resources the picture is completed and disjointed communication is a thing of the past.
But this is just the beginning. Our software will become the “digital assistant” for consumers helping to make their daily world easier and more convenient. What Google proclaims loudly, is daily business at ITyX for years.